College savings planner calculator
College savings planner calculator

College cost projections are made with the assumption that the cost of college will increase at the rate of inflation indicated in the "education cost inflation" input field. These estimates are not set in stone or intended as investment advice. This calculator is meant to give you a general idea about where you stand financially, based on the amounts provided. The calculations rely on a number of simplifying assumptions, and the results may vary from your actual situation. This calculator is for hypothetical use only and depends on the information you provide. If the student chooses not to attend the state college, the state will make available the amount of money equivalent to the cost of the state education at maturity.Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use.

college savings planner calculator

The state guarantees that the pre-payments will cover the future cost of education at the state college. They may be purchased with a single lump sum or a series of payments. Pre-paid tuition plans allow participants to buy tomorrow's education at today's prices. State tuition plans fall into two categories: pre-paid tuition plans and accumulation plans. States offering such plans may also give favorable tax treatment for contributions, interest, dividends, and distributions from these plans. These plans are generally referred to as 529 plans for the tax code section that describes how they are treated for tax purposes. These plans qualify for special tax treatment if the funds are used for qualified expenses at a post-secondary school that meets US Department of Education standards for student aid eligibility. Many states have pre-paid tuition programs allowing families to save for a student's higher education. Qualified State Tuition Plans (529 Plans)

college savings planner calculator

If the contributor dies within the five-year period, a prorated portion of the contribution may be included in his or her taxable estate for federal estate tax purposes. Any other gifts to the same beneficiary by the contributor within five years may result in a federal gift-tax liability. * A $75,000 gift is viewed as an accelerated gift over five years. Control of the account remains with the contributor regardless of the age of the beneficiary. Participants can choose from two to almost 30 mutual fund-type investments.

college savings planner calculator

Married couples may contribute $150,000 per beneficiary in a single year.*Īssets are professionally managed by fund managers selected by the state.

college savings planner calculator

Under a special election, you may make contributions of up to $75,000 per beneficiary in a single year without triggering a federal gift tax by accelerating five years' worth of contributions (gifts) as of 2021. There is no limit on contributions but some states tend to limit contributions once the plan assets have reached a defined maximum (typically $230,000 - $500,000). With a state-sponsored 529 College Savings Plan your contributions can grow tax-deferred (some states allow contributions to be partially or completely deductible) and distributed income tax-free as long as distributions are used for qualified education expenses such as tuition, fees, room and board at higher education institutions. Tax-deferral can have a dramatic affect on the growth of an investment. Accumulate More In A 529 Plan Vs A Taxable Account What are the advantages of a 529 college savings plan?

College savings planner calculator